现根据4月4日和4月18日两场考试对4月25日和4月30日两场考试的预测做出如下调整。望备考阶段的考生在参考原4月份写作趋势分析的同时,补充练习以下题目。预祝各位考生在考试中能够取得理想成绩!The shortage of housing in big cities can cause severe consequences, only government actions can solve the problem, do you agree or disagree? An increasing number of people choose to travel abroad. To what extent do you think the problems brought by international travel outweigh its advantages? Pressure on the school and university students is increasing and students are pushed to work hard when they are young. Do you think it is a positive or ... [ 查看全文 ]2013年4月雅思预测:4月4日/18日/25日/30日雅思考试预测的相关文章
此预测主要针对5月9日和5月16日的两场考试,参加5月21日及5月30日考试的同学也可将此预测作为复习参考,着重准备相关话题。若5月口语考试增添新话题,我会对其进行第一时间的讲解并对预测进行及时的调整补充。Part 11. Names2. Work/studies3. Accommodation4. Hometown 5. Handwriting6. Letter 7. Weekends8. ...[ 查看全文 ]