15. 云和气候变化预测 云对climate的影响。说科学家探究云对二氧化碳和温室效应有没有影响,结论是影响不大。第一云干嘛来着忘了,第二一种云在海上 circulate什么什么。。然后最后一小节说科学家在电 脑上模拟的时候如果算云的话好象是说只能推测几天的天气,如果不算云的话就没这个问题,最后说还不如忽略云的影响。 As of the late 1980’s, neither theorists nor large-scale computer climate models could accurately predict whether cloud systems would help or hurt a warming globe. Some studies suggested that a four percent increase in stratocumulus clouds over the ocean could compensate for a doubling in atmospheric carbon dioxide, preventing a potentially disastrous planetwide temperatu... [ 查看全文 ]2013年4月gre考试备考:gre阅读完整机经集锦(7)的相关文章