题目: Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are. 礼节和典礼有助于定义一个文化。如果没有这些,社会或者团体就会逐渐地迷失自我。 正文: Admittedly, rituals and ceremonies are very significant for a culture in that they can help define a culture. However, a culture’s essence lies not in some specific ceremony or ritual, which are just symbols yet can not stand for the whole, but in common people' daily life, though which one can have more profound and comprehensive understanding concernin... [ 查看全文 ]2013年新gre考试:gre作文issue写作之礼节的相关文章
许多考生往往在拿到新GRE arguement写作题目时不细心研究题目就开始盲目动笔写作,这样是不正确的,应该首先学会读题目,认真分析题目句子和句子间的逻辑关系。下面是一位GRE写作达人的新GRE写作arguement的具体写作思路。 arguement51The following appeared in a medical newsletter. "Doctors have long s...[ 查看全文 ]2013年gre考试:GRE Argument写作分步策略分析
纵观整个GRE写作考试,似乎应该概括为“Issue让我们变得广博,Argument让我们成为辩手”,那么,GRE Argument写作是什么?下面我们来分析一下GRE Argument写作特点、破题步骤、写作步骤及论证方法。 一. GRE Argument写作特点 What is an Argument? A strong argument attempts to persuade the...[ 查看全文 ]