1 the sum of two numbers, x and y, equals twice their products. if x=3, what is the value of y? 这道题没大看懂?请问大家是这样么?x+y=2(x+y) x+y=2xy,求y. 2 if x is an integer and x2(x的平方)<37,what is the greatest possible value of x minus the least possible value of x? 我觉得这道题x的最大值为6,最小值为0,所以选6. a.5 b.6 c.10 d.12 e.36 选D,最大为6,最小为-6. 3 三角形ABC,角B=X度,X>90 度,比较三角形的周长与3倍AC的长度的大小,答案是B AC是最大边,所以AB+BC+AC 2.0 比较the greatest value of p(1-p)与1/2的大小,答案是C 答案错了,选B p+(1-p)>=2p(1-p)^1/2 => p(1-p)<=1/4 < 1/2 4 for the line with equation y=ax+b,the x-intercept os twic... [ 查看全文 ]2013gre备考:最新gre数学易错解析的相关文章
2013年新gre考试:gre数学考点之Commutative Law详解
Commutative Law Like real numbers, the order does not affect the product or sum of algebraic terms. Example: sum:3x+5y=5x+3y,2x2+4y+1=4y+1+2x2,(3x+2)+(y-4)=(y-4)+(3x+2). product:3x*5y=5y*3x,2x2*...[ 查看全文 ]正在提交表单,请稍后...