一、避免使用语意弱的“be”动词。 1、把句中的表语转换为不同的修饰语。例如: Weak: The trees are bare. The grass is brown. The landscape seems drab. Revision:The brown grass and bare trees form a drab landscape. (转换为前置定语) Or: The landscape, bare and brown, begged for spring green. (转换为并列结构作后置定语) 2、将作表语用的形容词或名词变为行为动词。例如: 1) Weak: The team members are good players. Revision: The team members play well. 2) Weak: One worker's plan is the elimination of tardiness. Revision: One worker's plan eliminates tardiness. 3、在以“here”或“there”开头的句子中,把“be”动词后的名词代词变成改写句的主语。例如: 1) Weak... [ 查看全文 ]2013年4月雅思考试:雅思作文写作的五张令牌的相关文章