烤鸭们拿到雅思作文题目第一个想法是什么呢?头脑风暴?词句风暴?无论如何,在动笔之前心里一定要给出一个outline!安排一个大概的结构和思路,否则,很有可能写到一半就断线~也有可能写到最后发现跑题咯~ 总而言之,写作之前还是好好为你的大作选几个好的ideas,并把它们组织起来~~下面就看看具体怎么操作吧! Planning IELTS essays and finding ideas This lesson looks at how planning better can help you write better essays. I focus in particular on “ideas” – something that catches many candidates out. The two key points are that the ideas you need to write an IELTS essay are fairly simple and it helps to make a difference between ideas, reasons and examples. Problem 1 – not enough... [ 查看全文 ]2013年4月雅思考试:雅思大作文写作的思路的相关文章