Energy and the Industrial Revolution PARAGRAPH 1 For years historians have sought to identify crucial elements in the eighteenth-century rise in industry, technology, and economic power Known as the Industrial Revolution, and many give prominence to the problem of energy. Until the eighteenth century, people relied on energy derived from plants as well as animal and human muscle to provide power Increased efficiency in the use of water and wind helped with such tasks as pumping, milling, or sailing. However, by the eighteenth century, G... [ 查看全文 ]2013年4月托福考试辅导:toefl阅读模拟试题第一套(1)的相关文章
1. 达尔文的进化论着重强调由于环境变化什么的动植物要经过很长时间的进化才形成新物种。但有些人提出短时间内物种也能进化。有一种鱼,放在下游,还有好多predator,所以这些鱼的繁殖速度加快,baby与鱼比以前大,质量差,畸形多,所以就不会超负荷。而且长得快。放在上游,并且有很少predator,它们的繁...[ 查看全文 ]2013年4月新托福考试备考:TOEFL阅读高分是怎样炼成的
要想获得托福阅读高分,空等是绝对不行的,一定要付出多倍的努力。下面介绍的托福阅读能力训练技巧,供各位考生参考。 对于词汇量的要求较为严格 从某种意义上来讲,你积累的英语词汇量的多少,影响着你在托福考试中取得的成绩。如果说你具备的词汇量达不到最基本的要求,即使你的语言能力再强也过不了托福难关。之所以说词汇量的重要性,想必就算小编不加以强调,大家也都会很清楚。试想一下,如果你掌握的词汇量不够多,...[ 查看全文 ]