新GRE阅读考察面很多,主要考察的是学生的逻辑理解能力和推理能力,考生除了拥有大量的词汇以外,还需能够迅速了解出题者的意图。下面给大家准备了新GRE阅读短文的练习。 People whose bodies cannot produce the substance cytochrome P450 are three times as likely to develop Parkinson's disease, a disease that affects the brain, as are people whose bodies do produce this substance.Since cytochrome P450 protects the brain from toxic chemicals, toxic chemicals probably play a role in the development of Parkinson's disease. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument? (A)It will soon be possible for cytoc... [ 查看全文 ]2013年4月gre考试备考:gre阅读考前热身试题(十一)的相关文章