11月27日是我的新托福二战了,一战是10月9日,没达到目标很悲催。下面奉献一下11月27的新托福考试详细机经吧,积攒人品。首先是口语部分机经。 11月27日托福考试口语部分机经: Task1:describe an activity you tried and enjoyed recently. Explain why it was enjoyable to you. Include reasons ans example to support your response. (介个,我是照抄的竹子老师的点题班讲义,不过我个人的体会就是一定要注意有一个“new”, 我影响很深刻考的时候有这个字,但是寂静里面没有,所以大家注意哈!) Task2:Some people prefer to write diaries or take photos to records things they've experienced. Other'sdon't. What is your opinion and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.(介个几乎一样,木有问题!) Task3:不... [ 查看全文 ]托福口语:2010.11.27托福口语考试机经回顾的相关文章