托福机经写作 综合写作 reading: Chocoas(ancient people stem from US)had no system to write, so there is no records about how the roads were built.There are three possible reasons for that. 1.move people and commercials 2.for regional faction like ceremony, because a North Road有一段很长的南北方向的路。可能因为人们认为他们的神会通过路找到他们 3.escaping way for their troops when the enemies came listening: the professor challenged the ideas from the reading 1.there were no vehicle and animals to move commercials, so the only way is on foot. But 10 meters wide road is too wide... [ 查看全文 ]托福写作:2012.1.8大陆托福写作考试机经回顾的相关文章
托福机经口语 1 you and family enjoy doing together, why 。 2. large grocery department store or small speciality store, which do u prefer。 3. notice:关parking pot, 原因1:pleasant grassy area 原因 2: reduce tr...[ 查看全文 ]托福写作:2011.12.11大陆托福写作考试机经回顾(版本二)
托福机经写作 综合写作:玛雅文明的衰败1. war of welfares2. 综写第二个原因 farmland稀缺3. 第三 terrible drought反驳1. wars happend way beforeits collapse,有两个年份,貌似是 200BC,400BC,600BC中的两个,反正就是比玛雅文明衰败早 反驳2:有俩原因1) 玛雅人有tech让 farmland i...[ 查看全文 ]托福阅读:2011.12.11大陆托福阅读考试机经回顾(版本二)
托福机经阅读 第一篇:关于语言的树状图 1、词汇题:dispersal=spread 2、词汇题:feasible=probably 3、词汇题:prominent=忘了选什么了 4、词汇题:commonly=general 5、词汇题:discrete=seperate 6、问提了很多语言问这些的共同点,我选from the same root 7、问了语音变化后说明了什么(不确...[ 查看全文 ]托福听力:2011.12.11大陆托福听力考试机经回顾(版本二)
版本二: 托福机经听力 lecture(不记得那个section 也不记得是第几篇了) biology 教授讲为什么lizard会发出noise 一个女生说可能是警告predator和同伴 教授说这个sound reasonable,但是想想 white-tailed deer 女生说 i see(有重听态度题),white-tailed deer 在alone 的时候也会叫 。。...[ 查看全文 ]