留学新闻 仰望星空保持好奇心
留学新闻 仰望星空保持好奇心 导读:史蒂芬•霍金这位究其一生破译宇宙奥秘、甚至体验过失重状态的英国科学家,正敦促人类为了自身利益继续进行太空探索。 Stephen Hawking, who spent his career decoding the universe and even experienced weightlessness, is urging the continuation of space exploration — for humanity’s sake. 史蒂芬•霍金这位究其一生破译宇宙奥秘、甚至体验过失重状态的英国科学家,正敦促人类为了自身利益继续进行太空探索。 The 71-year-old Hawking said he did not think humans would survive another 1,000 years “without escaping beyond our fragile planet. ”今年71岁的霍金4月9日表示,人类若“不逃离我们脆弱的星球”将难以再活1000年。 The British cosmologist made the remarks Tuesday before an audience of do... [ 查看全文 ]留学新闻 仰望星空保持好奇心的相关文章