高考即将到来,为了让广大考生准备更加充分,留学群高考频道编辑为广大考生整理了大量高考英语写作万能句子,关注我们网站,我们会不断更新最新信息!祝广大考生在2013高考取得优异成绩! 表示比较的英语连接词和句型: like We have to compete with our rivals like all our competitors . 我们必须跟对手竞争,就像所有竞争对手一样。 similarly Similarly , not everyone is the enthusiastic type that falls in love with their work . 同样的,对待自己的工作,并不是每个人都属于充满激情的那种类型。 likewise Likewise , poor nutrition can lead to dental problems . 与之相反的,营养不良也会引起口腔问题。 in the same way With humans , smiles work in the same way . 对人类而言,笑容也有着同样的功效。 in the same manner As you would that others s... [ 查看全文 ]2013高考英语写作:表比较的连接词及句型的相关文章
2013高考英语写作优秀范文之冰冷的手(Cold hands)
高考临近,英语是至关重要的一门科目,而如何在高考英语作文中取得高分,是很多考生头疼的问题。为了帮助各位考生更好的为高考英语作文写作做准备,留学群高考频道编辑特别搜集了大量高考英语优秀范文供您参考,请收藏我们的网站,我们会不断更新,感谢您对我们的关注! I was cleaning out the pockets of my six-year-old‘s winter coat, ...[ 查看全文 ]2013高考英语写作优秀范文之Foster Your Interests
高考即将到来,为了让广大考生准备更加充分,留学群高考频道编辑为广大考生整理了大量高考英语优秀范文,关注我们网站,我们会不断更新最新信息!祝广大考生在2013高考取得优异成绩! Everyone knows that interests can be fostered. Nevertheless, boys often say, “I am not interested in languag...[ 查看全文 ]2013高考英语写作优秀范文之The use of credit cards
高考即将到来,为了让广大考生准备更加充分,留学群高考频道编辑为广大考生整理了大量高考英语优秀范文,关注我们网站,我们会不断更新最新信息!祝广大考生在2013高考取得优异成绩! As the economy is developing so rapidly, people’s attitude towards life is changing at the same time. Credit...[ 查看全文 ]