1.Which following statement do you think is the best to make new friends: 1. Joining in a sport team. 2. Participating in community activities or traveling?2012年5月5日北美(现象证明-选项)例文 2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job a high salary is better than a job with low salary, even if it is easier to lose it. 类似题目: A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.2009.2.27NA 范文 Do you prefer to take a low-paid but secure job or a job with a high salary but ea... [ 查看全文 ]5月托福预测:2013.5.11托福独立作文题目预测大全的相关文章
托福口语task1最易考的4类题目。托福口语task 1是比较容易的一个题型,很多考生在托福口语备考的过程中也比较容易忽视这个题型,觉得答题好坏全靠考场上的感觉和状态。可真正到了考场上,又经常苦于没有思路,无法开口,说得磕磕绊绊不说,还影响了其他题目的发挥。为您整理托福口语task 1中非常容易考到的四类题型,希望对大家有所帮助。 先来看第一类task 1的考题, Describe the...[ 查看全文 ]