留学群相关文章 海外趣闻 偷渡者从空中坠落吓坏居民的相关文章推荐
海外趣闻 偷渡者从空中坠落吓坏居民
海外趣闻 偷渡者从空中坠落吓坏居民
A stowaway fell thousands of feet from a plane on to a quiet suburban street after apparently hiding in the landing gear。
The body of the victim, in his thirties and from North Africa, was discovered in an affluent London neighbourhood under the Heathrow flight path。
Aviation experts say he was probably dead before he hit the ground either because he had been crushed by the retracting landing gear shortly after the plane took off or because of the extreme cold at high altitude。
It is thought the man’s body dropped from the ai...
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海外趣闻 偷渡者从空中坠落吓坏居民的相关文章
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As an expat living in New Orleans, it is a very long list but “burglarize” is currently the word that I most dislike.
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6、已经无法...[ 查看全文 ]
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海外趣闻 美国有趣的习语
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海外趣闻 20年后人类都吃些什么
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