日本就业状况重女轻男 日本家庭正经历着社会角色互换的过程,许多家庭的妻子和女儿开始赚取家庭收入的大部分,而男性在就业市场中不再受宠,进入“衰退”状态。据报道,日本工厂和建筑公司在频繁地解雇工人,而许多服务公司更青睐女性员工,因为她们的平均薪水更低。对于希望通过刺激消费来帮助日本从长达10年的通货紧缩状态中摆脱出来的政府来说,这种趋势将令眼下局势更加艰难。此外,女性因为就业导致的结婚和生育率降低,会让人口老龄化严重的日本雪上加霜。 Japanese families are experiencing a social role reversal, with many wives and daughters making up for the largest part of the income, while male workers are being pushed away from the job market. Factories and building companies lay off workers and many service firms prefer women that they pay lower average wages. The new trend ... [ 查看全文 ]日本就业状况重女轻男的相关文章