雅思考试中如何正确运用组合式句子 将这些句子编号是为了能够识别每个句子的写作方法;将他们集中在一起可以形成一篇完整的文章。 1.1 大量的中国人不断移民海外这件事在今天非常普遍。 It is quite common these days that a large group of Chinese people are constantly emigrating. 1.2 当在陌生的地方安顿好后,他们很自然地要选择适合的生活方式。包括:设法融入当地社会或者组成自己的圈子。 When setting down, they have got to make a choice of new lifestyles including getting into local community or making a group of the people with a cultural context. 2.1那些偏爱前者的人认为与当地人结交并像他们那样生活将有助于他们自己适应新的环境。 Those who prefer the former believe that making local friends and living like natives are very ... [ 查看全文 ]雅思考试中如何正确运用组合式句子的相关文章