中考英语作文是必考项,重要性不言而喻。它也是让大多数学生最头疼的事情。冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,练习英语写作也是一样,三天打鱼两天晒网是不行的,必须得持之以恒的练习,才会有进步。留学群中考频道精心为大家汇总了多篇中考英语作文范文资料,可以供同学和家长们参考。 Cars or Bikes? Cars and bicycles are similar in that they are both privately owned means of transport. In other words, they have in common the fact that the owner can decide when and where to go. However, there are a lot of difference between them. A car costs a lot more to buy than a bicycle. In addition, it is far more expensive to run. For example, a car has to be insured, and must be serviced regularly; furt... [ 查看全文 ]2013广西桂林中考英语作文训练的相关文章
2013年北京中考英语作文:my favorite place at school
欢迎来到中考网,此时正值各地的中考火热进行之际,中考网承诺会在第一时间将最新出炉的中考英语作文题目呈现出来,敬请锁定本网站的更新。下面是北京中考英语作文题目:2013北京中考英语作文题目:my favorite place at school 这篇作文和去年中考作文的内在要求其实保持完全一致,都属于夹叙夹议类的文章,且题材继续保持贴近孩子的生活。 这篇作文在写的过程当中要注意包含以下几个要点: ...[ 查看全文 ]2013北京中考英语作文题目:my favorite place at school
2013北京中考已经结束,北京的英语作文题目也摘去了神秘的面纱,中考网在此分享给大家。中考网还会紧密跟进其他地区的中考英语作文情况,并会实时更新,敬请关注。2013北京中考英语作文题目:my favorite place at school 这篇作文和去年中考作文的内在要求其实保持完全一致,都属于夹叙夹议类的文章,且题材继续保持贴近孩子的生活。 这篇作文在写的过程当中要注意包含以下几个要点: 1...[ 查看全文 ]