2013暑假英语作文:How I Spent My Summer Vacation
暑期到来,是学生们普遍盼望的事。但是暑期的到来意味了大量作业的到来,其中包括老师布置的暑假作文。许多学生能把暑假过的有滋有味,却不能把作文描写得活灵活现。为了方便同学们更好的完成老师布置的暑假文章,小编在留学群作文频道www.liuxuequn.com 对全国历年优秀的暑假作文进行汇总,欢迎同学们前来参考借鉴。 How I Spent My Summer Vacation the summer vacation had come round again. i was happy that i could forget about school at least for a while. lest i fool around all through this summer vacation, i made a plan as to how to spend it. first, i thought i should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that i could have a better understanding of them. then i thought i... [ 查看全文 ]2013暑假英语作文:How I Spent My Summer Vacation的相关文章
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有时候老师布置一篇作文,你的同学三下五除二就搞定了,而且质量还很好,而你就像挤牙膏一样,挤了半天,也没写出几个字,面对这种情况你肯定会很羡慕你同学,其实你无须羡慕,你自己也可以做到,你只是没掌握写作文的技巧,如果你想了解写作技巧,可以到留学群去看看,下面是作文网的小编整理的暑假作文的相关内容,欢迎大家前来了解。 the first day of summer vacation summer...[ 查看全文 ]2013中学生暑假英语作文:Return to my native town
在这个燥热的夏季,人的内心都是浮躁的,特别是学生们面对着作业做不出来的时候,更加心烦,如果你也遇到了这种烦心事,在写作文时冥思苦想也挤不出几个字,可以到留学群来看看,你会收获很多的,下面是作文网的小编收集的暑假作文的相关内容,欢迎大家前来了解,想知道更多内容,可以收藏本站(Ctrl+D即可)。 Return to my native town No sooner had the summe...[ 查看全文 ]