
导游证面试英文导游词:Citywall of Ming Dynasty的相关文章推荐

导游证面试英文导游词:Citywall of Ming Dynasty

The building of the wall began in 1366, ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang who adopted the suggestion of “building the high wall” by one of his staff and founded the Ming Dynasty two years later. More than 200000 people were employed on the project and many of them died before the wall was completed in 1386. The wall was 33.678 kilometers in circumference and 14.21 meters high on average. The base of the wall is 14meters wide and the top of the wall is 7meters wide. It was the longest city wall in the world and the city enclosed by it remained the... [ 查看全文 ]


导游证面试英文导游词:Citywall of Ming Dynasty的相关文章

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