In the image - which the main French news agency AFP attempted to withdraw from circulation - the French president looks gormlessas he grins in front of a blackboard on which is written: "Today, it's back to school". 照片中,法国总统坐在黑板前咧着嘴笑,看上去很二,而黑板上写着“喜迎开学”几个大字。法新社可是极力想把这张照片撤下来。 The photograph was taken on Tuesday during Mr Hollande's visit to a school in Denain, northern France, to coincidewith the start of term for hundreds of thousands of French pupils. It appears he was pulling a funny face to make the pupils laugh. 照片拍摄于周二。当时法国总统奥朗德前往法国北部德... [ 查看全文 ]法国总统“喜笑颜开照”迅速走红的相关文章