留学群高考频道在考试后及时公布各科高考试题答案和高考作文及试卷专家点评,请广大考生家长关注。时光飞逝,不管情愿与否,无论准备与否,我们已走进高三,走近我们的梦!祝愿决战2014高考的新高三学员能倍加努力,在2014年高考中也能取得优异的成绩。 241. 在许多商店,价格在50-100元之间的商品很好卖。 Range in price from…to… Goods sell well In many shops, the goods which range / ranging in price from 50 to 100 yuan sell well. 242. 毫无疑问,我们应该通过勤奋而不是靠作弊来取得良好学习成绩. There is no doubt / no doubt Achieve / get good marks / results / better scores Study hard / work hard Cheat in the exam Instead of / rather than There is no doubt that we should work hard to achieve good marks in our stu... [ 查看全文 ]2014高考翻译专项练习(241-272)的相关文章