以下《2014考研英语新题型绝密押题(五)》由留学群考研英语英语模拟题为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 Applicants prefer rankings, but the school for them most part do not. European schools, in particular, argue that rankings are misleading as they may use a narrow range of often-inappropriate measures which fail to reveal the true competence of unique programs. Several schools have contested and boycotted league tables. Nevertheless, the number of business schools which participate in rankings is actually growing, in part because rankings tell potential customers what they need to know. Since ... [ 查看全文 ]2014考研英语新题型绝密押题(五)的相关文章
以下《2014考研英语词汇冲刺:16天巩固7000个单词(第16天)》由留学群考研英语英语复习资料为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 751. The extinct exotic bird's feather contains zinc. 那种已绝迹的珍奇的鸟的羽毛中含锌. 752. The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in th...[ 查看全文 ]2014考研英语词汇冲刺:16天巩固7000个单词(第15天)
以下《2014考研英语词汇冲刺:16天巩固7000个单词(第15天)》由留学群考研英语作文频道为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 701. The assessor asserts that he inserted the deserted desserts inthe desert with alert. 估价员断言他把荒废的甜点警惕地插入到了沙漠内。 702. The abrupt corrup...[ 查看全文 ]2014考研英语词汇冲刺:16天巩固7000个单词(第14天)
以下《2014考研英语词汇冲刺:16天巩固7000个单词(第14天)》由留学群考研英语作文频道为您独家提供,欢迎大家参考。 651. When I fetched the sketch on the stretcher I found thesecretary's secret. 当我拿来担架上的素描时我发现了秘书的秘密. 652. The mutual spirits inspired...[ 查看全文 ]