以下《2014考研英语作文押题:英语一大作文(一)》是留学群考研英语作文频道为您精心准备的希望对大家有所帮助。 大作文:Study the following set of drawings carefully and write an essay of about 200 words in which you should (1) describe the set of drawings,interpret its meaning, and (2) point out its implications in our life 范文: As is shown in the picture, two men are digging wells in almost the same place, but the results are quite different. The man who has dug several wells finds no water in the end while the man who keeps digging in one place reaches the water eventually. As is symbolically revea... [ 查看全文 ]2014考研英语作文押题:英语一大作文(一)的相关文章