解析雅思口语真题:Spare Time
留学群雅思频道提供雅思口语评分标准与雅思口语真题下载,雅思口语技巧与雅思口语机经真经,剑桥雅思口语等雅思口语参考书推荐等雅思口语培训与辅导。 Spare time How do you usually spend your evening and with whom? There are many different ways I spend my evenings, from hanging out with a few friends in a bar to asking my girlfriend out for a nice dinner, from surfing on the internet at home to enjoying the fellowship of my family before TV. Anyway, there are always things to do in evenings for me. 虽然没有必要事无巨细,但是在这里运用排比的修辞,不但可以增强语气,还可以同时向考官展示自己对英文深层次的运用。 Do you like to go out in the evenings and with whom? Well, it ... [ 查看全文 ]解析雅思口语真题:Spare Time的相关文章