解析雅思口语真题:Weather and Climate
留学群雅思考试频道针对广大网友的建议精心整理了雅思口语有关资料,包括雅思口语真题、雅思口语模拟、雅思口语练习、雅思口语预测、雅思口语如何评分和雅思口语高分技巧等,希望能帮助各位考生。 Weather and Climate What type of weather do you like? I love sunny days with azure skies. So I can do a lot of outdoor activities. I love cold weather and particularly enjoy it when it snows. I love rainy days, because I love the feeling of walking in rain. 直截了当的回答加简单的原因描述使大多数考官所喜欢听到的内容。以下是天气和季节描述的基本词汇: Spring: warm, windy, dusty, sand-storm, flowers blossoming Summer: Hot, rainy, wet (lots of rain), stormy, humid, sunny, stuffy, sweltering, sa... [ 查看全文 ]解析雅思口语真题:Weather and Climate的相关文章