以下《2014考研英语阅读押题:网购一族悔恨忙》由留学群考研英语频道为您精心提供,欢迎大家浏览参考。 Alipay shocks online spenders 支付宝年度账单曝光 网购一族悔恨忙 导读:点点鼠标、看看网页、轻松支付、送货上门。你也是网购生活的拥趸吗?日前,网民发起晒支付宝对账单(statement)活动,不少人惊呼要“剁手”。亲,你被自己的账单吓到了吗? You spend lots of time and money shopping online during the past year and somehow you lost track of both. 去年,你将大把的时间和金钱都花在了网购上,但却从未留意过这两项的付出。 That’s why when you received you annual statement from Alipay, the Chinese third-party online payment platform, you probably got anasty surprise. 这就是为何当你收到第三方支付平台“支付宝”的年度账单时,会感到有惊无喜的原因了。 The annual statement, which sh... [ 查看全文 ]2014考研英语阅读押题:网购一族悔恨忙的相关文章