Individuals in the class body, do not neglect your own existence, you are in class every body part. 处在班级体中的个体,不要忽视你自己的存在,你们中的每一个人都是班级体中的一份子。 You know, what you say will affect the class, everyone's heart. 知道吗,你的一言一行都会牵动着班上每一个人的心。www.zhlzw.com Morning, you usually do not change with the same clothes, not a deliberate show, has long been greet others eyes, while she (he) did not show the share of excitement you might expect; noon, you buy the dumplings and not usually eat rice, this time, you certainly will not find other people's attention... [ 查看全文 ]中学生热爱集体英语演讲稿的相关文章