《托福口语句子:胃毛病》是由留学群托福栏目小编为您推荐,本站会第一时间更新托福考试信息。详情您可以登陆留学群托福栏目。 胃毛病: He has a bloated, uncomfortable feeling after meal. (他饭后肚子觉得胀胀的,很不舒服。) 或He feels bloated after eating. He has bouts of abdominal pain. (他有一阵阵的肚痛。) He feels bloated in his abdominal area. (他感到肚子胀胀的。) The pain is mainly in the lower (upper) right part of the abdomen. (痛是在肚子下半部。) He has nausea and vomiting. (他有恶心和呕吐。) It is difficult or painful for him to swallow. (他吞下食物时会痛。) He has passed more gas than usual. (他放…比平常多。) He has been constipated for a few days. (他便秘了好几天。) ... [ 查看全文 ]托福口语句子:胃毛病的相关文章