留学群托福栏目小编为广大考生整理了《托福阅读材料之手指感应》,供广大考生参考,更多托福考试信息就在留学群托福栏目。 打字错误是谁都难以避免的,但是据最新研究得出的结论是,我们的手指能感应到打字正确与否。 Whether you're a hunt-and-peck typist or a Rachmaninoff of the keyboard, you will make mistakes. But it's not just your eyes catching typos when you see them on the screen. Your hands know when you mess up too. That’s according to a study in the journal Science. [Gordon Logan and Matthew Crump, "Cognitive Illusions of Authorship Reveal Hierarchical Error Detection in Skilled Typists"] Researchers recruited expert typists—college st... [ 查看全文 ]托福阅读材料之手指感应的相关文章