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L'articolo partitivo (partitive article) is used to indicate imprecise or approximate quantities. It appears before singular nouns (del miele, del caffè, del burro) as well as before plural nouns of an unspecified amount (dei libri, delle ragazze, degli studenti). The partitive is expressed by the Italian preposition di (of, from) combined with the definite article. For example:
Ho delle cravatte blu. (I have a few blue ties.)
Prende del caffè. (She is drinking some coffee.)
Esco con dei compagni. (I go out with some friends.)
Manca del bur...
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Italian and English differ in their usage of adjectives. Italian descriptive adjectives are usually placed after the noun they modify, and with which they agree in gender and number.
The infinitives of all regular verbs in Italian end in -are, -ere, or -ire and are referred to as first, second, or third conjugation verbs, respectively. In English, the infinitive (l'infinito) consi...[ 查看全文 ]
The Italian present tense (presente) is happening right now. It's a simple tense—that is, the verb form consists of one word only. The present tense of a regular Italian verb is formed by dropping the...[ 查看全文 ]
The passato prossimo—grammatically referred to as the present perfect—is a compound tense (tempo composto) that expresses a fact or action that happened in the recent past or that occurred long ago bu...[ 查看全文 ]
The compound tenses (i tempi composti) are verb tenses that consist of two words, such as the passato prossimo (present perfect). Both the verbs essere and avere act as helping verbs in compound tense...[ 查看全文 ]
When forming the passato prossimo, which auxiliary verb should be used—avere or essere? How do you decide? Compound tenses such as the passato prossimo are formed with the present indicative of the au...[ 查看全文 ]
Compound tenses such as the passato prossimo are formed with the present indicative of the auxiliary verb avere or essere and the past participle (participio passato). The past participle of regular v...[ 查看全文 ]
Many verbs in Italian, especially the -ere verbs, have irregular past participles. A list of some of the most common infinitives, along with a sample variation, as well as their past participle forms,...[ 查看全文 ]
The imperfect tense (imperfetto) is formed by adding the same endings to all three conjugations. The only difference is the typical vowel of the infinitive. For details, see the table below.
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In English the past perfect tense (trapassato prossimo) is formed with the auxiliary "had" + the past participle of the main verb. In Italian, the trapassato prossimo, a compound tense, is formed with...[ 查看全文 ]