留学群相关文章 电话意大利语的相关文章推荐
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Italian vowels (i vocali) are short, clear–cut, and are never drawn out. The "glide" with which English vowels frequently end should be avoided. It should be noted that a, i, u, are always pronounced ...[ 查看全文 ]
The consonants not listed below (b, f, m, n, v) are pronounced as in English. The approximate English equivalents are as follows:
c before a, o, and u is like the English k.
ItalianEnglishcasahousef...[ 查看全文 ]
In Italian, all consonants except h can be doubled. Double consonants (i consonanti doppie) are pronounced much more forcefully than single consonants. With double f, l, m, n, r, s, and v, the sound i...[ 查看全文 ]
Italian words are divided into syllables as follows:
A single consonant goes with the following vowel.
Double consonants are divided.
ItalianEnglishbab–...[ 查看全文 ]
Stress / Accento Tonico
Usually, Italian words are stressed on the next–to–the–last syllable.
amicofriendfoglialeafMilanoMilannipotenephewpadrefatherparlareto speaksignorinaMissstudiareto studytelef...[ 查看全文 ]
Many words that are capitalized in English are not capitalized in Italian. These include: the days of the week, the months of the year, proper adjectives, a few proper nouns, and title...[ 查看全文 ]
What time is it? is expressed in Italian by Che ora è? or Che ore sono? The answer is È + mezzogiorno (noon), mezzanotte (midnight), l'una (one o'clock), or Sono le + number of the hour for all...[ 查看全文 ]
You've got to know the time if you want to see those Botticelli paintings at the Uffizi in Florence. Luckily, there are two ways to ask "What time is it?" in Italian: Che ora è? and Che ore sono? If t...[ 查看全文 ]
Interrogatives are words used to form questions. One of the easiest ways to fare una domanda (ask a question) in Italian is to place a question mark at the end of a statement, effectively changing it ...[ 查看全文 ]
13. Al Parco 在公园
——Signora, un gelato? 太太, 你要一个冰激淋吗?
——Si'. Grazie. 好的, 谢谢。
——Audrey Cooper……奥德列。Cooper……
——Piacere ! 很高兴认识你 !(握手)
——Piacere ! 很高兴认识你!
——Di dov'e'? E'inglese? 您是哪里的? 是英国人吗?
——...[ 查看全文 ]