新西兰留学费用低是大家有目共睹的,新西兰留学费用如此低那么新西兰留学还有奖学金吗?对于这个问题留学生们可以放心,新西兰留学是有奖学金的,那新西兰留学都有哪些奖学金呢? 新西兰第一大类奖学金 1.Bank of New Zealand Research Fellowship 2.Bing’s Scholarship 3.Claude McCarthy Fellowship 4.Commonwealth Scholarships 5.The Edward and Isobel Kidson Scholarship 6.FPA Alice Bush Scholarship 7.Germar Academic Exchange Service ( Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst ) 8.Gordon Watson Scholarship 9. L B Wood Travelling Scholarship 新西兰第二大类奖学金 1.Bank of New Zealand Graduate Scholarship 2.Bank of New Zealand Undergraduate Scholarship ... [ 查看全文 ]2014新西兰留学都有哪些奖学金?的相关文章