雅思写作是雅思考试中的重要组成部分,也是雅思考试中的难点和重要得分点,如何写好雅思作文一直是考生要面对的难题,在千头万绪的备考中你是不是集中精力对付词汇和精句,小编提醒你一句,千万不要忘了多积累点写作素材呀,下面由留学群雅思频道为您提供:雅思写作素材积累:年轻一代,供您参阅学习,欢迎您浏览留学群浏览更多资讯。 Does the younger generation know best? Arguments 1. The young are better educated and more broad-minded. 2. The young enjoy a lot more things than the old: they have money to spend; they are less dependent on their parents; they grow up more quickly; and they enjoy more freedom. 3. The young question the values and assumptions of the older generation and they are right. 4. The youn... [ 查看全文 ]雅思写作素材积累:年轻一代的相关文章