九年级英语作文:A Letter of Suggestion
为了提高中考英语书面表达水平,同学们平时应加强阅读,应背诵一些句型、段落甚至短文。只要读得多、背得多,就能出口成章,下笔成文。其实,用英文写信,记日记等都是学生力所能及且行之有效的练习写作的好方法。 Dear editor, 亲爱的编辑: I have read many articles on the school magazine. I find that almost all the essays on the school magazine are about the daily trifles in the campus. It is good for us to know the whole things in the campus. But I think if there are some articls about current affairs andlearning methods must be better. Current affairs can open students’ eyes to know more about the world. Sharing learning methods can help some students... [ 查看全文 ]九年级英语作文:A Letter of Suggestion的相关文章
初中英语作文精选:I Am Addicted to Games
要写好一篇中考英语作文,必须掌握一定的写作技巧,应把握以下几个步骤:1、认真审题立意,确定文章的灵魂。2、草拟提纲,打造文章之骨架。3、写出主题句,理清文章脉络。4、参照提纲,紧扣主题句,完成各段落,充实文章内容。 These days, I am addicted to mobile games. My father bought a new mobile phone. There are s...[ 查看全文 ]中考英语作文范文大全:The Importance of English
中学生英语作文基本上属于英文写作第二阶段的作文。在这一阶段,学生们已经掌握了英语的一些基础词汇和基本的语法规则,可以用英语简单表达自己的思想。所以,中考英语作文考查的标准就是1、内容是否扣题2、用词是否准确,句子是否符合语法规则3、语言是否连贯与通顺。 As the deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, es...[ 查看全文 ]初中英语作文精选:Preparing for the New Year
中考生为了保证中考英语作文层次分明、条理清楚,要把时间固定下来,如:记叙一件事要用过去时;写经常发生的事或对人物的描写,要用一般现在时。整个文章中的人称要一致,首尾呼应,不要随意改动,以免造成误解。 For all Chinese, the Spring Festival is the most important day in the year. The celebration for it ...[ 查看全文 ]