托福考试每年报考的人数基本都是在呈上升的趋势,根据历年的考试积累的经验也越来越多,为此留学群托福栏目为大家整理了《2014年托福考试口语之美国新潮词汇》,供大家参考! 2014年托福考试口语之美国新潮词汇 w00t=woot=what 1337=l337=l33t=leet=elite dude=d00d pffffff=whatever n00b=newbie sry=sorry 2=to 4=for B=be U=you R=are C=see AFK=away from keyboard ASAP=as soon as possible BTW=by the way BBIAM=be back in a minute CU=see you CUL=see you later CWYL=char with you later FE=for example F2F=face to face FYI=for your information FYR=for your reference GL=good luck GTG=got to go GTH=go to hell HTH=hit the hay IAC=in any ... [ 查看全文 ]2014年托福考试口语之美国新潮词汇的相关文章