Make your mark on the world Selecting which university to attend is one of the most important decisions you will make, as you take your first step towards making your mark on the world. Not only will you gain a qualification, but your time at university will provide you with a broad range of knowledge and skills to prepare you for the years ahead. While studying for your degree, you’ll also have the opportunity to make new friendships, broaden your horizons and discover more about yourself as a person. With all the study options availa... [ 查看全文 ]奥克兰大学校长致词的相关文章
瑞士弗里堡大学 (Universität Freiburg/Université de Fribourg)
图片描述:弗里堡大学 (Universität Freiburg/Université de Fribourg) 弗里堡大学是瑞士唯一一所双语授课的国立大学(法语、德语)。 甚至在欧洲也是唯一一所坚持使用双语教学、管理的大学。学生们使用两种语言完成学业并得到双语文凭,当然也可以选择使用其中一种语言学习得到单语文凭。 所在地: 弗里堡(Fribourg)...[ 查看全文 ]