今年高考已经天天临近,留学群高考频道为您提供了2004全国高考英语真题和参考答案,祝您今年高考复习考试顺利! 一、听力第一节(共两节,满分30分)[page][page] 1、What do we learn about the man.[page][page](本题分值:1.5分)[page] A. He slept well on the plane.[page] B. He had a long trip.[page] C. He had a meeting.[page] 【正确答案】B [page]【您的答案】修改[page] [page] [page] 2、Why will the woman stay home in the evening?[page][page](本题分值:1.5分)[page] A. To wait for a call. [page] B. To watch a ball game on TV. [page] C. To have d... [ 查看全文 ]2004全国高考英语真题和参考答案的相关文章