《一个值得纪念的日子》这篇作文是一篇难得的叙事英语作文,文章记叙了作者在火车上遇到了一位行乞的小男孩。这篇作文中没有太多华丽、生僻的单词,大部分句式也很简单,只要将整件事情都叙述清楚了就可以了。更多有关2014中考英语作文的信息可登录留学群英语作文频道,欢迎收藏本站(CTRL+D即可收藏)! One afternoon, it was drizzling. I was on my way home by train. There were only a few passengers in the carriage. When the train reached the station in front of a bridge, two impressive passengers got on, an old and a young. They looked like father and son. And they were both disabled. The old man was blind.The little boy of eight or nine years old had only one eye open,the other closed tightly.... [ 查看全文 ]中考英语作文:一个值得纪念的日子的相关文章