同学们做中考英语阅读理解时要注意:遇到生词时,一定要沉着、冷静。中考英语试题中,一般是不会盲目地出现生词的,但不排除出现影响答题的生词,同时也可能出现猜测生词的题目,因为猜测词义也是阅读能力的体现,当然也在考查范围之列。更多有关2014中考英语的信息可登录留学群英语频道,欢迎收藏本站(CTRL+D即可收藏)! It's hard to make friends if you stay at homealone all the time. Get out of the house and dothings that will put you in touch with(接触) otherpeople. It's easier to make friends when you havesimilar interests. Don't be afraid to show people what you're reallygood at. Talk about the things you like and do best.People will be interested in you if there is somethinginteresting about you. L... [ 查看全文 ]2014九年级英语阅读理解:怎么交朋友的相关文章
2014九年级英语阅读理解:laws for children
同学们做中考英语阅读理解时要注意:一个词一个词地看。阅读时,视线应从左向右跳跃式移动,着重扫描意群,同时注意意群中的重要单词,以寻求主要的语言信息。可将冠词、系动词、助动词及不定式符号等小品词一扫而过,不可一词不漏地全部都看一遍。更多有关2014中考英语的信息可登录留学群英语频道,欢迎收藏本站(CTRL+D即可收藏)! In general,laws for children are a...[ 查看全文 ]2014九年级英语阅读理解:pay for their education
同学们做中考英语阅读理解时要克服不良习惯,提高阅读速度。由于考试的时间有限,在保证不出偏差的前提下,一定要尽可能地提高阅读速度。更多有关2014中考英语的信息可登录留学群英语频道,欢迎收藏本站(CTRL+D即可收藏)! Nearly all American students in colleges anduniversities pay for their education. The...[ 查看全文 ]2014初三英语阅读理解:Bobert S. Cassatt
想学好英语,首先要培养对英语的兴趣。“兴趣是最好的老师”,兴趣是学习英语的巨大动力,有了兴趣,学习就会事半功倍。更多有关2014中考英语的信息可登录留学群英语频道,欢迎收藏本站(CTRL+D即可收藏)! “I would almost rather see you dead.” Bobert S.Cassatt, a leading banker of Philadelphia, sho...[ 查看全文 ]