留学群相关文章 警察と法廷語彙的相关文章推荐
142. police警察
chief police 2. captain 3. lieutenant 4. sergeant 5. patrolman 6. evidence 7. witness 8. fingerprint 9. coroner 10. radio dispatcher 11. sheriff 12. highway patrol 13. FBI 14. patch 15. shield 16. gun 17. walkie-talkie 18. bullet 19. crime 20. victim
署長 2. 分署長 3. 分署次長 4. 巡査部長 5. パトロール警官 6. 証拠 7. 目撃者 8. 指紋 9. 検死官 10. 無線連絡係 11. 保安官 12. ハイウェイパトロール 13. FBI 14. 記章 15. バッジ 16. ガン 17. 無線 18. 弾丸 19. 犯罪 20. 被害者
143. court法廷
arrest 2. search 3. seizure 5. interrogation 6. preliminary hearing 7. indictment 8. defendant9. prosecu...
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141. fire fighting消防
fireman 2. sliding pole 3. turnout 4. alarm bell 5. wrecking bar 6. fire truck 7. fire extinguisher 8. helmet 9. life net 10. fire 11. hose 12. hydrant 13. ambulance 14. eng...[ 查看全文 ]
140. factory工場
time clock 2. time card 3. safety glasses 4. mask 5. line 6. work station 7. foreman 8. machine 9. first-aid-kit 10. conveyor belt 11. forklift 12. hand truck 13. supply room 14. qu...[ 查看全文 ]
137. officeオフィス
reception 2. coat closet 3. file cabinet 4. supply cabinet 5. storage cabinet 6. postage meter 7. copier 8. waste receptacle 9. supply room 10. conference room 11. employee lounge ...[ 查看全文 ]
136. department storeデパート
directory 2. information 3. perfume counter 4. jewelry counter 5. customer assistance counter 6. escalator 7. elevator 8. stairs 9. Men’s Clothing department 10. Women’s ...[ 查看全文 ]
132. hospital病院
examination table 2. operating room 3. ward 4. intensive care room 5. mortuary 6. emergency room 7. out-patient clinic8. ambulance 9. doctor 10. nurse 11. X-ray technician 12...[ 查看全文 ]
128. bank銀行
bank officer 2. teller 3. security guard 4. checkbook 5. check register 6. bank book 7. traveler’s check 8. ATM card 9. deposit slip 10. vault 11. safety deposit box 12. automat...[ 查看全文 ]
130. school学校
classroom 2. language lab 3. chemistry lab 4. gym 5. auditorium 6. cafeteria 7. teachers’ lounge 8. principal’s office 9. guidance office 10. nurse’s office 11. office 12. loc...[ 查看全文 ]
128. diet国会
House of Representatives 2. House of councilors 3. dietman 4. Lower House Speaker 5. Upper House Speaker 6. quorum 7. session 8. question 9. expert witness 10. motion 11. bill 12. adj...[ 查看全文 ]
125. occupation職業
accountant 2. actor 3. actress 4. architect 5. artist 6. assembler 7. baker 8. barber 9. bookkeeper 10. mason 11. butcher 12. carpenter 13. cashier 14. cook 15. computer program...[ 查看全文 ]
123. shop and store店
appliance store 2. auto dealer 3. bakery 4. barber shop 5. book store 6. cleaner 7. donut shop 8. clothing store 9. coffee shop 10. computer store 11. convenience stor...[ 查看全文 ]