阿斯顿大学是一所建立于1895年的综合性公立学校。该学校位于英国第二大城市伯明翰市的市中心,以商科及工科专业尤为出色。那么想要入学阿斯顿大学这种高等学府在英语方面要求哪些呢?接下来就由留学群(www.liuxuequn.com)为大家进行详细介绍。 【原文】To ensure that you will be successful in your studies at Aston, we look for strong evidence that you have a good level of written and spoken English before you are accepted onto any of Aston's programmes. This is to ensure that you are able to cope with the demands of our programmes. To be accepted onto our programmes, you must be able to satisfy the University's English language requirements. The level required wi... [ 查看全文 ]阿斯顿大学入学英语要求的相关文章