高中高三作文5950字:The Fisherman and His Wife
作文标题: The Fisherman and His Wife关 键 词: 高中高三 5950字字 数: 5950字作文本文适合: 高中高三作文来源: https://zw.liuxuequn.com作文大全网(zw.liuxuequn.com)努力做大家喜爱的作文网站,我们继续努力加大马力为您的作文问题排忧解难.本作文是关于高中高三5950字的作文,题目为:《The Fisherman and His Wife》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 There was once on a time a Fisherman who lived with his wife in a miserable hovel close by the sea, and every day he went out fishing. And once as he was sitting with his rod, looking at the clear water, his line suddenly went down, far down below, and when he drew it up again he brought out a large Flounder. Then the Flounde... [ 查看全文 ]高中高三作文5950字:The Fisherman and His Wife的相关文章
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