下面是雅思口语Part1常考话题的集锦,这篇雅思口语Part1常考话题包括了很多的问题和相应的答案模板,大家可以从中借鉴到很多的雅思口语话题答题的思路,非常实用,供大家参考。 Part 1 常考话题(重复率非常高) Hometown: Where do you come from? Can you say something about it? I’m native of this city. I’m local here…. Well, my home is…, which is located/situated in …… And actually it’s a cosmopolitan(medium-sized/small) city/ a small town/village…...(industrial, tourist, coastal, inland…) Speaking of the city, the most well-known place/ thing would be…… Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s mausoleum Confucius temple What is famo... [ 查看全文 ]重复率非常高的雅思口语话题Part1的相关文章
中国考生雅思口语低分原因之generalized 和 memorized
在导致雅思口语低分的众多原因中,中国考生最普遍的就是generalized 和 memorized,而且这两项常常是紧紧联系在一起的。下面就以一位雅思口语考官的角度来向大家解释一下这两个原因。 面对“What do you hate most in a candidate’s response?”这样单刀直入的话题,雅思口语考官直言不讳地说,他最恨两样东西,一个是过...[ 查看全文 ]