中考临近,给同学们介绍几种克服紧张心理的方法:考前找一个比较安静的地方,站立,眼微闭,全身放松,深呼吸,同时默念“1-2-3”,心想:放松、放松。这样可以使血液循环减慢、心神安宁下来,全身有一种轻松感。更多有关2014中考英语的信息可登录留学群英语频道,欢迎收藏本站(CTRL+D即可收藏)! Many people think that Americans 1 their cars almost more than anything else. When 2__ people are fourteen years old, they want to have their __3_ cars. They don’t ask for a car from their 4__. So many of them work in _5_ time during their last year of high school to buy a car. Learning to 6 _ and getting a driver’s license may be one of the most exciting things in a young person&rsq... [ 查看全文 ]2014中考英语完形填空:美国人对轿车的厚爱的相关文章