2014年6月28日的托福写作考试中有一道题目是“减少污染的最好办法是政府提高燃料成本”,这道题会迷惑不少考生,纠结它究竟是不是议论文,这样就很容易犯错。这道题只要顺着题目的思路写就可以了,下面是留学群(www.liuxuequn.com)为大家整理的范文,供大家参考! 独立写作题目: The best way to reduce air pollution is for the government to raise the cost of fuel. 托福独立写作范文: A Traffic congestion is becoming an enormous problem in urban areas nowadays. As incomes rise, cars become more affordable, and more and more people rely on them to get to work, city roads are becoming clogged with commuters during morning and evening rush hours. One proposed solution is to turn driving ... [ 查看全文 ]托福写作范文:减少污染的办法的相关文章