很多人对自己的身体都不太满意,有些人比较极端会出现一些严重抵触情绪。今天托福阅读练习材料我们要讨论的就是一种名为身体畸形恐惧症的疾病。 Are you unhappy with your body? Learn about body dysmorphic disorder on this Moment of Science. Psychologists estimate that one to two percent of the population has what is called body dysmorphic disorder. These people obsess over what they perceive as a terrible defect in their physical appearance. In contrast to the case with eating disorders, where people’s concern over their physical appearance typically involves their body image as a whole, people with BDD are ... [ 查看全文 ]新托福考试阅读练习:身体畸形恐惧症的相关文章