睡眠质量好往往记忆力的质量也会跟着提高,下面是留学群(www.liuxuequn.com)托福频道小编为大家整理的托福阅读练习材料:睡得好记得牢。希望大家在练习的同时也要记住平时注意睡眠质量,这样才能更好地备考! It is surprising news bound to bring joy to students studying for exams everywhere. The best way to memorise newly-acquired knowledge is to go to sleep, scientists believe. Researchers in Germany found that the brain is better during sleep than during wakefulness at resisting attempts to scramble or corrupt a recent memory. Their study, published in Nature Neuroscience, provides new insights into the hugely complex process by which we st... [ 查看全文 ]托福阅读材料:睡眠与记忆的相关文章