眼睛的颜色似乎是根据地域来的,像亚洲人的黒眼,欧洲人的蓝眼。但其实眼睛的颜色也是会变的哦!具体是怎么回事呢?请看留学群(www.liuxuequn.com)托福频道小编为大家整理的托福阅读材料吧,希望对大家有所帮助! It can bend light, bring the world into focus, and next to the human brain may be our most complicated organ. But for many people the most intriguing feature of the human eye is simply its color. Can it really change for no apparent reason? In most people, the answer is no. Eye color fully matures in infancy and remains the same for life. But in a small percentage of adults, eye color can naturally become either noticeably darkerorli... [ 查看全文 ]托福阅读材料:眼睛会变色的相关文章