以下同学分享申请美国生物统计学经验总结,申请人美国本科背景,没有明显劣势或优势,申请结果有密歇根大学OFFER以及匹兹堡大学OFFER以及其他一些学校的录取,希望这份总结可以给大家提供一些信息。 背景:美本一枚 GPA: overall: 3.6, major: 3.83 Major: Math, Biology GRE:580+800+3 Research experience: one year experience as RA in public health, one summer experience in applied math and neuroscience, almost 2 year experience in biostat recommendation: one/two from school professor (depends on school requirement), one/two from the faculty who I work with paper: one is under review, one is drafting, but I am not the main author 申请学校:UW(biostat),... [ 查看全文 ]网友的美国生物统计学申请经验总结的相关文章