雅思写作技巧的核心是组织语言,让我们的文章更加的吸引人。所以大家在练习雅思写作技巧的时候就可以以如何增加写作的亮点为出发点。下面就为大家总结了五大雅思写作加分技巧,供大家参考。 1.动词先出: a. I very much like football. b. I like football very much. 2.情感先出: a. He spoke so well that I was amazed . b. I was amazed by how well he spoke. a. Seeing those victims is disturbing. b. It’s disturbing to see those victims. 3.副词先出: a. I hope I can make it. b. Hopefully I can make it. a. I feel it is not right somehow . b. Somehow it doesn’t feel right. 4.副形搭配: a. I’m happy. b. I’m perfectly happy. a. The test i... [ 查看全文 ]【雅思写作】五大加分技巧总结的相关文章
下面是一个雅思大作文模板,是关于argumentation类型的,非常经典。大家在备考雅思大作文写作的时候一定会对argumentation类型的雅思大作文有所准备,因为这是最经典的雅思大作文类型。下面就为大家搜集了关于这个类型的雅思大作文模板,供大家参考。 雅思大作文argumentation类型一共可以有三种结构:Balance,2+1,一边倒。 Balance: 当在考场上遇到这样的...[ 查看全文 ]